Friday, May 4, 2012

Just Waiting...
Written 13 hours ago by Amanda Berbig
The last few days have been fairly good. Complications seem to be waning, for now. The doctors are trying to pinpoint the source of her fevers, but like so many other things in this field, all they have are guesses, educated guesses, but guesses nonetheless. Once her counts come up she'll feel better yet, and then it's on to the next bone marrow biopsy. By Tuesday or Wednesday we ought to have the results, restarting the conversation about what's next. More chemo, bone marrow transplant, a break, or some experimental new treatment rounds off the list of likely candidates. The experimental thing, of which we know no details as yet, scared me when I first heard about it, and still does, but frankly no more than any of the rest of it. It may prove to be a very viable option though. Apparently people are coming in from all over the country to participate in this study/ treatment. No one else has it. I'm putting the cart before the horse though, so we'll let you know more later. Thanks for checking in.


  1. Sending cured thoughts your way for Monday's test.
    I LOVE YOU!!

  2. Cute website. Took a bit of trying to get into it, so I hope its accessible by others more easily. I do like all the sidebar links. I will be headed back to Cail by the time of your Fundraiser but am sending your Mother/my Sister a couple of things for the silent auction in the mail. AND I will be signing up to visit while I am back there.

    loving you,
    Auntie Bellezza
