Thursday, June 21, 2012

The chemo's been done for days now, and at 3 o'clock today I'll wheel her back up from the hospital basement for the last time, where she'll have just received her final dose of radiation. She's been receiving two immuno-suppressive drugs (mmf & csa) for a few days (& will continue with them for months), to prevent GVHD (graft vs. host disease). In other words, very shortly her body will be ready to receive it's new immune system! Tomorrow at 1 pm, to be precise. Today is an important day for us. Medically, we've (I should say she's) been working up to this point for weeks... No, months. And we're finally here. Personally, we've (I do, in fact mean we've) been working up to this day for nine years. Our marriage that is. Today's our ninth anniversary! We never imagined that we'd be spending it like this, but whatta' ya' gonna' do? Her appetite leaves something to be desired, but I'm hoping that she'll have a little room for a special dinner tonight. We'll see. She's been in decline, physically, for days. The treatment really takes it's toll on a body, but this is what it takes to vacate her marrow, and allow the new stuff to do it's job. There are good days and bad ones, but lucky for us, today's been a pretty good one. 'Hope it stays that way. I'll post another update pretty soon. Thanks for checking in. -Zach

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