Monday, May 7, 2012

Amanda has had a good run for the last few days! Her fever seems to be in check, finally. She’s had quite a few longish walks of late. And is beginning to become accustomed enough to the order of operations around the hospital to know what she needs and when she needs it. The infection in her throat is still a work in progress and the sores in her mouth are a constant burden, as well as a few other irritations, but she’s handling it like a champ.

I thought today was biopsy day, but was mistaken. Wednesday’s the next big day, but Thursday’s the day we’ll get those results… Anxiety ridden, yes, but we’re starting to get used to the waiting game. Besides, when I look back on the last month, somehow it’s just flown by. What’s a couple more days at this point?

This morning the Doctor pretty much told us that barring some catastrophe, she’ll be coming home sometime late next week, for perhaps up to a week and a half! Wow! I’m not gonna hold him to it, but that would be quite a treat. On the other hand she is getting used to being waited on hand and foot by the nurses there… Sounds like a lot of work. Well, I’m sure the kids’ll help a lot too. I digress. Even if it’s just a few days or a week, we’re really looking forward to it.

Meanwhile, we’ve been busy getting  the house ready for her return the last few days, and so have not had time to post here, but decided to take a break and fill you in.

Once again, the outpouring of help, love, and support has been overwhelming, much like the mess many of you have been helping me to organize. Thank you so very much. It’s made all the difference in the world to Amanda, the girls, and I.

One more note. The visits have slowed way down since she was deemed neutropenic, which has allowed her to get more, much needed rest. You may, however, visit if you wish. I’m sure she’d love to see you. And it’d do you some good to see that despite her nice, round, shiny bald head, the first thing you notice is her beautiful smile.


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