Thursday, May 17, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Last night something relatively foreign happened to me. I drove home from the hospital, and I wasn’t alone. It was a good foreign though, like a trip to Aruba.

They discharged Amanda shortly after the biopsy results came in, and came in well at that. 2% blasts (normal). No leukemia! (Also normal) The scare from the other day was nothing more than vigilant doctors, covering their bases. Her counts rebounded unusually quickly, and anything unusual requires investigation.

It’s been really great having her around last night and all day today. It’s not all peachy keen though. She’s still hurting, nauseated, weak, and mad that she can’t just jump back into life, but it comes with the territory, so she’s resigned herself to tough it out and make the best of the situation.

The duration of this respite is unknown and, as always, has lots of variables and vague possibilities. It could be as much as two months, but we’re pullin’ for more like two weeks. With each passing day the chances of the leukemia returning increases. If that happens it’s back to consolidation chemo, meaning more abuse to her already battered body, longer recovery time, and an increasingly worse chance for full recovery. I use the words full recovery loosely. There are already some things that will never be the same. So I guess I just mean cancer-free.

We’ll be visiting the hospital three to five times a week, while home, so they can keep tabs on her. Hopefully, in the not-too-distant future, we’ll get the BMT scheduled and get some wheels on this cure business. Meanwhile, say a prayer, if you would, that they’re able to find a good match soon.

It’s been busy, which is why it took me a day to get this out to you, but I will fill you in more in the coming days.

Thanks for checking in!


1 comment:

  1. great news, Zack - I'm a friend of your mom's I work at the National Marrow Donor Program - we are here in Minneapolis. If you haven't already, check out
