Saturday, May 19, 2012

It's so great being home. I do my best taking the good with the bad. Eating an angus Swiss burger from McDonalds tastes delicious going down, not so much on its way back up. But there's a drug for that. The bald head is like A/C on a hot day except it still feels foreign when I look in the mirror. I lost all of the hair on my head but only lost about half of my leg hair (not fair). One good part is that my nails have never been so long and healthy, weird side effect. I would have taken a vision improvement over that but just my luck. Oh and it's funny that it took cancer for Zach to start doing some laundry (although most of it is done by his mom) and scrubbing the floors.

It is truly amazing all the work done on the house. I have had such a hard time trying to keep up and falling short, but now it is doable! I can't thank you enough, you know who you are.

I'm so happy just watching or hearing the girls play on bad days. On the goods ones I shower them with the pent up love and affection I couldn't give them from the hospital bed. Zach makes the best nurse, especially in the little nurse outfit I got him. Man, EBay has everything. JK.

I am anxious to start the BMT process. I am in a good remission right now, but AML cells come back in a matter of weeks. The thought of extra chemo turns my stomach. I just want to continue this fight not backtrack. The sooner it's all over the better it will be for all of us.

Love, Manda

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